How can an Instagram account get hacked?

Instagram is a social media app where in users can upload pictures and videos.Instagram is an app which has recently gained popularity. This app is commonly used by teenagers and off late users of all groups are trying to get hands on it as it is getting trendy. Users who are active on social media would always want to keep updating their personal information or what’s happening in their day to day life on the Instagram account. There are many advantages of Instagram however it’s also important the user should be aware that his/her account can get hacked. Instaentry account hacker is one important point which users will have to keep in mind before they download and install Instagram. Users will have to read the terms and conditions carefully before they download the app on their mobile or on their system.

How to safeguard your Instagram account from hackers:

Unlike any online apps, Instagram is also exposed to hackers. Hackers can easily hack the users Instagram account and can post irrelevant post or may also ask for money from the friends mentioning the users name. Since the account is hacked the friends may not have an idea that it is the hacker who is asking for money and may end up transferring the amount to the hackers account thinking that he/she is helping his/her friend who is badly in need of money.Users will have to ensure that they use a secured password and if need be the user can take the route of double locking the account wherein they will have to put two gateways to enter the account .One can be logging into the account using a password and other one can be a biometric security i.e. putting your finger print or thumb impression.This way it will be very difficult for a hacker to get into your account and misuse your account information.

Now a days with the technology its very easy for hackers to hack our account and misuse the information. Hence its always advisable for the user to ensure that he/she does not update any important or any financial information on social media sites.Users will have to post generalized posts or any informative posts in case they want to keep their account active. By updating their personal information there are fair chances of the information being misused by anyone or might be by the hackers.

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