5 Great Tips For Those In Internet Marketing Or Network Marketing

What would I do if I were just starting out in Internet Marketing and/or Network Marketing? Here my 5 best Internet Marketing Tips to help you get started right!

My 5 Best Internet Marketing and/or Network Marketing Tips

The key thing to remember as a Internet Marketer or Network Marketer is it’s all about 3 main things: 1) Providing Massive Value 2) Building Relationships 3) Developing Great Marketing Systems

How Would I Start If I Was Brand-New To Internet Marketing and/or Network Marketing?

My goal is to encourage you to apply them… And be massively successful!

1. Get A MENTOR!!! I tried to do Internet marketing on my own for several years and probably averaged about $20 for every hundred hours I put into it. I had discovered an exciting and challenging way to make 20¢ an hour! LOL!!! When I finally got a Great MENTOR… I started making real money within the first 30 days… And now I make amazing money virtually on autopilot! READER WARNING! Don’t be as Stupid as I was… Get a Mentor right away! Having a Mentor will take years off your learning curve and will save you a ton of expense, frustration and aggravation. It is so much easier to have somebody show you something and hand you the tools than to try to create it from scratch by yourself. (98.4% of People who try to Learn Internet Marketing / Network Marketing on their own… FAIL!)

2. Focus on setting up your Internet / Network Marketing Systems and doing the work. The best advice anyone can give you is to follow your Mentor’s instructions and take MASSIVE action for the first 90 days. We call this “Priming The Pump!” – When you first start out using Internet Marketing Strategies, you will start putting content and value out into the “Internet Universe” and typically little or nothing will happen in the first 30 days. At this point, many think they are failing… But in the next 30-60 days… You will start to see people signing up to your email list… Signing up under you in your Network Marketing Business… and start seeing sales of your affiliate products. It is in the 35+ day period that you really start to see the benefits of your hard work. This is why we call it “Priming The Pump”… What happens when you prime a pump? At first, you keep pumping and pumping… And nothing comes out! Then all the sudden, right when you are ready to give up and quit, you start to see a small stream of water… You keep pumping more… And all the sudden, water (Money $$$) comes gushing out! NEVER forget that this is how the system works! (“Don’t Quit Before The Miracle Happens!”)

3. Study a little bit every day about Internet Marketing and Network Marketing. One way to meet this goal, with no time lost, is to keep audio trainings with you on a cell phone, MP3 player or CD that you can play in your car while you are driving around. If you listen to Training Audios just when you are driving around in the car it will equal about 200 or more hours per year of training… That is 5 Full 40-hour weeks of training per year… WOW! THIS is how you become a ‘Genuis’ at Marketing Fast!

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