Tips On How To Optimize A Facebook Fan Page

Now that you are aware of the universe of possibilities that a Fanpage can bring to your brand’s marketing strategies, check out our tips from on optimizing a Facebook Fanpage!

1. Optimize The Page With SEO Techniques

Structuring a page with SEO techniques is one of the main actions for Fanpage to succeed. Like Google, Bing, and YouTube, Facebook is also a search engine, and, of course, it has its ranking algorithm. But, there is something in common between these engines: they all work with keywords as search triggers.

In other words, working your keywords well on the Fanpage is essential to be found by the right people.

2. Customize The Page URL

Having a personalized Fanpage URL can bring significant benefits to your brand’s marketing strategies. With this customization, it is easier to find the Page’s address when searching for the brand name on Facebook or Google.

To make this change, select the Page you want to edit on Facebook and click on the “About” option on the left side of the display, then look for the “Username” option and click on “Edit.”

Change the name after the ” @” symbol. It is this name that will appear after the part of the full address. For example, You need to create a name that is not used on Facebook; if the address is repeated, the system will ask you to change the name again.

Finally, click on the “Create Username” button and then on “OK.” Ready! Your Facebook page has been given a new address for people to access.

3. Practice The Interaction: Page To Page

“Like Page as my Page on Facebook” is a feature that allows the brand to interact with other pages on the social network and make its name, comments, and links visible to more users, a strategy to generate engagement on the platform.

To like as your Page, go to the Page you want to select, click on the three dots next to the share button, and from the drop-down menu, click on “Like as your Page.”

A pop-up window will appear listing all the Pages you manage. Select the one you want to use and click the “Submit” button.

Ready! You will receive confirmation that the action has been taken!

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